This fall (1018) my new cd will see the light! It all started with the thought of Miles Davis and Jimi Hendrix making a record together. Of course that never happened but the idea and temptation where there. So we went to the studio without any material or music sheets. The whole record is totally improvised. Almost as actors who improvise from a certain characters point of view. It was a trip, we had a blast and are very proud of the result.

The CD will be released on the 26th of october, followed by concerts, to start in our ‘jazz livingroom’ were we practically grew up, the Regentenkamer in The Hague. The group includes master guitar player Jerome Hol and my partner in crime form The Legends, Wiboud Burkens.

In the same period I will make a tour with a great band wich tributes the music of Louis Armstrong in his and ‘our’ twenties. A tribute to the masterworks of the Hot Five & Seven.
Together with my friend and piano player Harry Kanters we will travel to Brussels amongst other places.